{This blog is not affiliated with the VA. Though a Veteran, four yrs. all shore in Navy last year In-Country Vietnam, I don't work for the VA}
**USN All Shore '67-'71 GMG3 Vietnam In Country '70-'71 - Independent**

In 2003 some 72% of Americans fully supported the Abandoning of the Missions and those Sent to Accomplish so extremely Quickly after 9/11!!
At least some 95%, if not more as less then 1% serve them, not only still support the, just below, total lack of Sacrifice, they ran from any and all Accountability and left everything still on the table to be continually used if the political/military want was still in play in future executive/legislative wants!!
DeJa-Vu: “With no shared sacrifices being asked of civilians after Sept. 11", Decades and War From, All Over Again!!
Especially for the Corporate and Wealthy Community, investors in Defense Industries, and for these, Afghanistan and Iraq, came Two Huge Tax Cuts, with more sweetheart deals to same from states and the fed!!

Thousands of people across America don’t just talk about honoring Veterans; they walk the walk. Dedicated Volunteers Serve Veterans for Decades

On this Executive Administration, it's Cabinet and those directly around same, "Best - Ever": "We haven't had this kind of visibility from the White House—ever." Joyce Raezer National Military Family Association - Dec. 30, 2011, and plenty more of similar since Joyce, others, spoke and continues!

Ask yourself: If the Veterans Administration is so corrupt and mismanaged, as the conservative ideology, under which the seeds of are planted when they control, wants everyone to buy into as they obstruct the budgets and do extremely little after they charge same, then why does the Private sector, many problems within rarely heard about, adopt so many practices and advanced technologies developed within the VA, for free?! The VA, DoD, and in partnership with Universities and Colleges, not just Health Care are constantly in R&D and that developed that works is quickly moved into the private, for profit, sector, even as the VA is long under funded, decades, and especially during and after our wars that the few are sent into!

* * * * *
President Obama 26 August 2014

Fact: "This is not just a job of government. It’s not just a job of the veterans’ organizations. Every American needs to join us in taking care of those who've taken care of us. Because only 1 percent of Americans may be fighting our wars, but 100 percent of Americans benefit from that 1 percent. A hundred percent need to be supporting our troops. A hundred percent need to be supporting our veterans. A hundred percent need to be supporting our military families."

"We’ve been able to accomplish historic increases to veterans funding. We’ve protected veterans health care from Washington politics with advanced appropriations. We’ve been able to make VA benefits available to more than 2 million veterans who didn't have them before, including more Vietnam vets who were exposed to Agent Orange. We’ve dedicated major new resources for mental health care. We’ve helped more than 1 million veterans and their families pursue their education under the Post-9/11 GI Bill."

August 26, 2014 - Secretary Robert A. McDonald's Remarks for the American Legion's 96th Annual Convention, Charlotte, NC
Fact: "Unlike, P&G, VA may not be concerned about quarterly profit and loss statements or shareholder value, but it does have a bottom line—Veterans. "
{which is why No Government agency should be turned into a private corporate entity feeding for profit off the Countries duty and responsibility, especially the VA}
* * * * *

Fact: “We are dealing with veterans, not procedures—with their problems, not ours.” —General Omar Bradley, First Administrator of the Veterans Administration

Facts: Matthew Hoh {former Marine and foreign service officer in Afghanistan}: "We spend a trillion dollars a year on national security in this country."
"And when you add up to the Department of Defense, Department of State, CIA, Veterans Affairs, interest on debt, the number that strikes me the most about how much we're committed financially to these wars and to our current policies is we have spent $250 billion already just on interest payments on the debt we've incurred for the Iraq and Afghan wars."
26 September 2014

Fact: "If military action is worth our troops’ blood, it should be worth our treasure, too — not just in the abstract, but in the form of a specific ante by every American." -Andrew Rosenthal 10 Feb. 2013

Fact: "12 years also is a long time. We now have a lifetime responsibility to a generation of service members, veterans and their families." Dr. Jonathan Woodson 11 Sep. 2013: With 9/11 Came Lifetime Responsibility
{two tax cuts, especially for the wealthy, came with these two recent unpaid for wars, nor the results of, DeJa-Vu all over again from the previous decades and wars from! Ignore the many issues, by those served, no need to fund!}

Fact: Sen. Bernie Sanders told Republicans: “If you can’t afford to take care of your veterans, than don’t go war. These people are bearing the brunt of what war is about, We have a moral obligation to support them.” February, 26th, 2014

Fact: 25 June 2014 U.S. Sen. Jay Rockefeller: Veterans' Affairs issue an 'all too similar' scene

Fact: How We Could Do More For Our Vets: "We need to go into debt to pay our debt to U.S. veterans to make sure they get the care and services we owe them."

Fact: “Why in 2009 were we still using paper?” VA Assistant Secretary Tommy Sowers “When we came in, there was no plan to change that; we’ve been operating on a six month wait for over a decade.” 27 March 2013


Bob Herbert Losing Our Way : "And then the staggering costs of these wars, which are borne by the taxpayers. I mean, one of the things that was insane was that, as we're at war in Iraq and Afghanistan, the Bush administration cut taxes. This has never been done in American history. The idea of cutting taxes while you're going to war is just crazy. I mean, it's madness." Bill 'Moyers and Company': Restoring an America That Has Lost its Way 10 Oct. 2014

Presidential Proclamation -- Veterans Day, 2013: "As we pay tribute to our veterans, we are mindful that no ceremony or parade can fully repay that debt." read more>>>

Under two previous Executive administrations and wars from, father and son. With son and conservative congresses leading the extremely quick abandoning of the missions and those sent to accomplish after 9/11:

ProPublica and The Seattle Times Nov. 9, 2012 - Lost to History: Missing War Records Complicate Benefit Claims by Iraq, Afghanistan Veterans
"DeLara's case is part of a much larger problem that has plagued the U.S. military since the 1990 Gulf War: a failure to create and maintain the types of field records that have documented American conflicts since the Revolutionary War."

Part Two: A Son Lost in Iraq, but Where Is the Casualty Report?

Army Says War Records Gap Is Real, Launches Recovery Effort

3/27/15 - U.S. Nerve Gas Hit Our Own Troops in Iraq
"During and immediately after the first Gulf War, more than 200,000 of 700,000 U.S. troops sent to Iraq and Kuwait in January 1991 were exposed to nerve gas and other chemical agents. Though aware of this, the Department of Defense and CIA launched a campaign of lies and concocted a cover-up that continues today."
"When Brown and others tried to obtain their medical records to prove their illnesses were service-related, they learned that the records had disappeared."

Add in the issues of finally recognizing in War Theater and more Veterans, by the Shinseki Veterans Administration and the Executive Administrations Cabinet, what the Country choose to ignore from our previous decades and wars of: The devastating effects on Test Vets and from PTS, Agent Orange, Homelessness, more recent the Desert Storm troops Gulf War Illnesses, Gulf War Exposures with the very recent affects from In-Theater Burn Pits and oh so so much more! Tens of Thousands of Veterans' that have been long ignored and maligned by previous VA's and the whole Country and through their representatives!

How does a Country HONOR It's Fallen, by Their Own 'Sacrifice' in Taking Care of the Brothers and Sisters They Served With!!

"You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today." - Abraham Lincoln

"To care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow and his orphan" - President Lincoln

She wrote that she's proud of her service but added this: "That doesn't change the fact that I contributed - however indirectly - to human beings vanishing from the earth in a moment of sheer agony."

For our sisters: National Women Veterans Hotline, call 1-855-VA-WOMEN1-855-VA-WOMEN (1-855-829-66361-855-829-6636) New Hotline now up and running

They are a coalition of leading Veterans, mostly of OEF and OIF, and national security organizations who recognize that climate change is a major threat, and support fast, bold action. It is time for Americans to rise to the challenge, and we’re taking on the fight.

Their Mission: Team Rubicon unites the skills and experiences of military veterans with first responders to rapidly deploy emergency response teams. Learn More

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Friday, May 4, 2012

HONORING THE FALLEN: US Military KIA, Iraq & Afghanistan/Pakistan - April 2012

‘Arlington’ captures grief of fallen soldier’s mother
05/01/2012 - It’s occasionally good to be reminded that for much of this country, the word “Arlington” refers only to Arlington National Cemetery, and military loss. Here is a new song and video called “Arlington” {the site} by singer-songwriter Lisa Nemzo and lyricist Artie Colatrella, about the cemetery’s lasting presence in the lives of the families of fallen American soldiers. If you watch it, you won’t soon forget it.


Nemzo and Colatrella wrote the song after learning about Teresa Arciola, and the video was directed by Mary Ann Skweres. It was released April 24. Nemzo hopes to encourage people to donate to two charities which help those scarred by war: Global Stress Initiative, which focuses on Post Traumatic Stress Disorder for both soldiers and families, and Operation Warrior Wellness, a David Lynch Foundation project which uses transcendental meditation to treat PTSD. read more>>>

Arlington: Call to Honor

Late Photographer Saw The Inner Lives Of Soldiers
Besides the still photographs, there's also a video installation Hetherington put together, which he called 'Sleeping Soldiers'. In it, scenes of combat flash next to still images of soldiers sleeping, grenade blasts and the voices of soldiers create a surreal, dream-like soundtrack. read more and listen to NPR report>>>
Sleeping Soldiers

Sleeping Soldiers_single screen (2009) from Tim Hetherington on Vimeo.

'A new chapter': United States shuts down Iraq war
Nine years of conflict saw 4,422 Americans killed, 31,922 wounded and more than $800 billion spent

By the Numbers: 1.5 Million

Iraq Veterans: ‘National Day of Honor’ 19 March

OIF: Iraq, from Operation Iraqi Freedom to Operation New Dawn Sept 1, 2010

December 20 2011 - Ceremony to Retire Iraq Mission Colors on U.S. Soil

The last Soldiers to die in service in OIF-OND at official end to the war and occupation in Iraq

Spc.David Emanuel Hickman 23 Greensboro, North Carolina, USA Company B, 2nd Battalion, 325th Infantry Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division Died of injuries suffered when his patrol was attacked with a roadside bomb in the Kadhimiya neighborhood of Baghdad, Iraq, on November 14, 2011

1st Lt.Dustin Dale Vincent 25 Mesquite, Texas, USA Battery A, 1st Battalion, 5th Field Artillery Regiment, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division Died of wounds suffered when enemy forces attacked his unit with small-arms fire in Kirkuk province, Iraq, on November 3, 2011

Though many still haven't come home from our previous wars, Iraq is Really Now Officially Over,All are out!!

U.S. military receives remains of last soldier missing in Iraq

There have been 4,804 coalition deaths
4,488 Americans
2 Australians, 1 Azerbaijani, 179 Britons, 13 Bulgarians, 1 Czech, 7 Danes, 2 Dutch, 2 Estonians, 1 Fijian, 5 Georgians, 1 Hungarian, 33 Italians, 1 Kazakh, 1 South Korean, 3 Latvian, 22 Poles, 3 Romanians, 5 Salvadoran, 4 Slovaks, 11 Spaniards, 2 Thai and 18 Ukrainians -- in the war in Iraq as of January 2, 2012, according to a CNN and iCasulties count.
Graphical breakdown of casualties. At least 32,224 U.S. troops have been wounded in action, according to the Pentagon. View casualties in the war in Afghanistan

Iraq war ends with a $4 trillion IOU: 15 December 2011 - Veterans’ health care costs to rise sharply over the next 40 years

POW/MIA: Afghanistan & Iraq

One U.S. soldier is currently listed as captured or Duty Status -- Whereabouts Unknown as of March 3 2012. The information below reflects the name as Prisoner of War or Duty Status -- Whereabouts Unknown by the Pentagon.

Sgt Bowe R. Bergdahl 23 1st Battalion, 501st Parachute Infantry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division Ketchum, Idaho Captured in Paktika province in Afghanistan, on June 30, 2009. The Pentagon declared him Duty Status Whereabouts Unknown on July 1 and his status was changed to Missing-Captured on July 3.

Memorial at the New JPED facility at Dover Air Force Base, Del..OEF: Afghanistan - Pakistan!! There have been 2,987 coalition deaths -- 1,958 Americans, 32 Australians, 410 Britons, 1 Belgian, 158 Canadians, 5 Czech, 42 Denmark, 25 Netherlands, 9 Estonians, 2 Finn, 82 French, 53 Germans, 7 Hungarian, 46 Italians, 2 Jordan, 3 Latvian, 1 Lithuanian, 10 Norwegians, 35 Poles, 2 Portuguese, 19 Romanians, 1 South Korean, 34 Spaniards, 5 Swedes, 14 Turks, 6 New Zealand, 10 Georgian and 14 NATO/ISAF -- in the war on terror as of March 3, 2012, according to a CNN and iCasulties count. Below are the names of the soldiers, Marines, airmen and sailors whose deaths have been reported by their country's governments. The troops died in support of the U.S.-led Operation Enduring Freedom or were part of the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in Afghanistan. At least 15,786 {15,560 up to May 3, 2012} U.S. personnel have been wounded in action, according to the Pentagon. In addition to the military deaths, 11 U.S. intelligence operatives have died in Afghanistan.

Master Sgt.Scott E. Pruitt 38 Gautier, Mississippi, USA I Marine Expeditionary Force Headquarters Group Died following a roadside bomb attack while conducting combat operations in Helmand province, Afghanistan, on April 28, 2012

Pfc.Christian R. Sannicolas 20 Anaheim, California, USA Company C, 1st Battalion, 504th Infantry Regiment, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division Died of injuries sustained when his Mine Resistant Ambush Protected Vehicle was struck by a roadside bomb in Ghazni province, Afghanistan, on April 28, 2012

Guardsman Michael Roland 22 Worthing, Sussex, England The Queen’s Company, 1st Battalion, Grenadier Guards Killed when he shot during an exchange of small-arms fire during a three-day operation to disrupt insurgent activity in a contested area in the north of Nahr-e-Saraj district, Helmand province, Afghanistan, on April 27, 2012

Lt.Christopher E. Mosko 28 Pittsford, New York, USA EOD Mobile Unit Three, Explosive Ordnance Disposal Group 1, assigned to Combined Joint Special Operations Task Force, Afghanistan Killed along with two soldiers when their vehicle struck a roadside bomb during a patrol in in Nawah district, Ghazni province, Afghanistan, on April 26, 2012

Staff Sgt.Brandon Forrest Eggleston 29 Candler, North Carolina, USA Company B, 4th Battalion, 3rd Special Forces Group One of two soldiers killed along with a sailor when their vehicle struck a roadside bomb during a patrol in in Nawah district, Ghazni province, Afghanistan, on April 26, 2012

Spc.Jason K. Edens 22 Franklin, Tennessee, USA 1st Squadron, 13th Cavalry Regiment, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 1st Armored Division Edens was wounded when his unit was attacked with small-arms fire in Laghman province, Afghanistan, on April 15, 2012. He died of his wounds at the National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland, on April 26, 2012.

Sgt.Dick A. Lee Jr. 31 Orange Park, Florida, USA 95th Military Police Battalion, 18th Military Police Brigade One of two soldiers killed along with a sailor when their vehicle struck a roadside bomb during a patrol in Nawah district, Ghazni province, Afghanistan, on April 26, 2012

Spc.Benjamin H. Neal 21 Orfordville, Wisconsin, USA 1st Battalion, 508th Infantry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division Died from injuries sustained when enemy forces attacked his unit with a roadside bomb in the Zhari district of Kandahar province, Afghanistan, on April 25, 2012

Staff Sgt.Andrew Trevor Britton-Mihalo 25 Simi Valley, California, USA Company B, 2nd Battalion, 7th Special Forces Group Killed when an individual wearing an Afghan National Army uniform turned his weapon against coalition service members in Kandahar province, Afghanistan, on April 25, 2012

Spc.Moises Jesus Gonzalez 29 Huntington, California, USA 509th Combat Service Support Company, 504th Battlefield Surveillance Brigade Died of injuries sustained when his vehicle rolled over in Balkh province, Afghanistan, on April 25, 2012

Spc.Manuel J. Vasquez 22 West Sacramento, California, USA Company C, 2nd Battalion, 28th Infantry Regiment, 172nd Infantry Brigade Died as a result of a non-battle related injury in Paktika province, Afghanistan, on April 24, 2012

Staff Sgt.Joseph Henry Fankhauser 30 Mason, Texas, USA 1st Explosive Ordnance Disposal Company, 7th Engineer Support Battalion, 1st Marine Logistics Group, I Marine Expeditionary Force Died following a roadside bomb attack while conducting combat operations in Helmand province, Afghanistan, on April 22, 2012

1st Lt.Jonathan Patrick Walsh 28 Kennesaw, Georgia, USA Company A, 2nd Battalion, 504th Infantry Regiment, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division One of two soldiers killed when their vehicle was hit by a roadside bomb in Mirhasan, Ghazni province, Afghanistan, on April 22, 2012

Pfc.Michael Joseph Metcalf 22 Boynton Beach, Florida, USA Company A, 2nd Battalion, 504th Infantry Regiment, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division One of two soldiers killed when their vehicle was hit by a roadside bomb in Mirhasan, Ghazni province, Afghanistan, on April 22, 2012

Chief Warrant Officer 2Don Cayetano Viray 25 Waipahu, Hawaii, USA Company A, 2nd Battalion, 25th Aviation Regiment, 25th Combat Aviation Brigade, 25th Infantry Divison One of four soldiers killed when their UH-60L Black Hawk helicopter crashed near the village of Dewalak during a nighttime mission escorting a medevac helicopter to the scene of a suicide bombing in the Garmsir district of Helmand province, Afghanistan, on April 19, 2012

Sgt.Dean Russell Shaffer 23 Pekin, Illinois, USA Company B, 2nd Battalion, 25th Aviation Regiment, 25th Combat Aviation Brigade, 25th Infantry Divison One of four soldiers killed when their UH-60L Black Hawk helicopter crashed near the village of Dewalak during a nighttime mission escorting a medevac helicopter to the scene of a suicide bombing in the Garmsir district of Helmand province, Afghanistan, on April 19, 2012

Sgt.Christopher John Workman 33 Boise, Idaho, USA Company A, 2nd Battalion, 25th Aviation Regiment, 25th Combat Aviation Brigade, 25th Infantry Division One of four soldiers killed when their UH-60L Black Hawk helicopter crashed near the village of Dewalak during a nighttime mission escorting a medevac helicopter to the scene of a suicide bombing in the Garmsir district of Helmand province, Afghanistan, on April 19, 2012

Chief Warrant Officer 2Nicholas Scott Johnson 27 San Diego, California, USA Company A, 2nd Battalion, 25th Aviation Regiment, 25th Combat Aviation Brigade, 25th Infantry Divison One of four soldiers killed when their UH-60L Black Hawk helicopter crashed near the village of Dewalak during a nighttime mission escorting a medevac helicopter to the scene of a suicide bombing in the Garmsir district of Helmand province, Afghanistan, on April 19, 2012

Sapper Connor Ray 21 Newport, Shropshire, England 3 Troop, 49 Field Squadron, 33 Engineer Regiment (Explosive Ordnance Disposal) Ray was seriously wounded when a roadside bomb exploded during a search and clearance operation in the Nad 'Ali district of Helmand province, Afghanistan, on April 11, 2012. He died of his wounds at Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham, England, on April 18, 2012.

Capt.Michael Cean Braden 31 Lock Haven, Pennsylvania, USA Signal Company, Headquarters and Headquarters Battalion, 1st Infantry Division Died after being found unresponsive in his living quarters at Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan, on April 18, 2012

Staff Sgt.David Paul Nowaczyk 32 Dyer, Indiana, USA Company A, 2nd Battalion, 12th Infantry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division Died of wounds suffered when his vehicle was attacked with a roadside bomb in Chingai, Kunar province, Afghanistan, on April 15, 2012

Cpl.Aaron Matthew Faust 22 Louisville, Kentucky, USA 2nd Battalion, 9th Marine Regiment, 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force Died while supporting combat operations in Helmand province, Afghanistan, on April 15, 2012

Sgt.Tanner Stone Higgins 23 Yantis, Texas, USA Company D, 1st Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment Killed by small-arms fire from enemy forces during a heavy firefight in Logar province, Afghanistan, on April 14, 2012

Lance Cpl.Abraham Tarwoe 25 Providence, Rhode Island, USA Weapons Company, 2nd Battalion, 9th Marine Regiment, 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force Died while conducting combat operations in the Marjah region of Helmand province, Afghanistan, on April 11, 2012

Spc.Philip Channing Sipe Schiller 21 The Colony, Texas, USA Company B, 1st Battalion, 23rd Infantry Regiment, 3rd Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division Died of wounds suffered when enemy forces attacked his unit with small-arms fire in the Panjwayi district of Kandahar province, Afghanistan, on April 11, 2012

Lance Cpl.Ramon Taisakan Kaipat 22 Tacoma, Washington, USA Company C, 1st Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion, 1st Marine Division, I Marine Expeditionary Force Died while conducting combat operations in the Khan Neshin district of Helmand province, Afghanistan, on April 11, 2012

Cpl.Jack Leslie Stanley 26 Bolton, England Company C, The Queen’s Royal Hussars (The Queen’s Own and Royal Irish) Stanley was wounded on February 3, 2012, when his unit was in the area of Popalzai, east of Lashkar Gah, Afghanistan. He was moving from a compound into a field when a roadside bomb detonated, seriously wounding him. He was evacuated eventually to England, where he died of his wounds at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham, England, on April 8, 2012.

Seaman Trevor Jovanne Stanley 22 Virginia Beach, Virginia, USA Naval Mobile Construction Battalion 3 Died as the result of a non-combat related incident while deployed to Camp Lemonnier, Djibouti, on April 7, 2012

Cpl.Antonio Carlos Burnside 31 Great Falls, Montana, USA Company A, 1st Brigade Special Troops Battalion, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division Died of injuries suffered when insurgents attacked his unit with small-arms fire in Mushaki, Ghanzi province, Afghanistan, on April 6, 2012

Cpl.Alex Martinez 21 Elgin, Illinois, USA 1st Combat Engineer Battalion, 1st Marine Division, I Marine Expeditionary Force Died following a roadside bomb attack while conducting combat operations in the Now Zad district of Helmand province, Afghanistan, on April 5, 2012

Capt.Nicholas Jan Rozanski 36 Dublin, Ohio, USA Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 1st Battalion, 148th Infantry Regiment, 37th Infantry Brigade Combat Team, Ohio Army National Guard One of three soldiers killed when their unit was attacked by a suicide car bomber in Meymaneh, the capital of Faryab province, Afghanistan, on April 4, 2012

Master Sgt.Jeffrey James Rieck 45 Columbus, Ohio, USA Company C, 1st Battalion, 148th Infantry Regiment, 37th Infantry Brigade Combat Team, Ohio Army National Guard One of three soldiers killed when their unit was attacked by a suicide car bomber in Meymaneh, the capital of Faryab province, Afghanistan, on April 4, 2012

Master Sgt.Shawn Thomas Hannon 44 Grove City, Ohio, USA Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 1st Battalion, 148th Infantry Regiment, 37th Infantry Brigade Combat Team, Ohio Army National Guard One of three soldiers killed when their unit was attacked by a suicide car bomber in Meymaneh, the capital of Faryab province, Afghanistan, on April 4, 2012

Spc.Jeffrey Lee White Jr. 21 Catawissa, Missouri, USA Company C, 1st Battalion, 501st Infantry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division Died of wounds suffered when insurgents attacked his unit with a roadside bomb in Terezai, Khost province, Afghanistan, on April 3, 2012

Cpl.Douglas Hughes 26 Northland, New Zealand 1st Battalion, Royal New Zealand Infantry Regiment, assigned to the New Zealand Provincial Reconstruction Team Died in a non-combat related incident at Forward Patrol Base Romero near Ru-Ye Sang in Bamyan province, Afghanistan, on April 3, 2012

Staff Sgt.Tyler James Smith 24 Licking, Missouri, USA Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 2nd Battalion, 508th Infantry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division Died of wounds sustained when he was attacked with a roadside bomb in Maiwand, Kandahar province, Afghanistan, on April 3, 2012

Staff Sgt.Christopher Lawrence Brown 26 Columbus, Ohio, USA Company A, 2nd Battalion, 12th Infantry Regiment, 4th Infantry Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division Died of wounds sustained after he was attacked with a roadside bomb while on a dismounted patrol in Khas Kunar, Kunar province, Afghanistan, on April 3, 2012

Cpl.Christopher David Bordoni 21 Ithaca, New York, USA Company B, 1st Battalion, 6th Marine Regiment, 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force Bordoni died on April 3, 2012, at the San Antonio Military Medical Center in San Antonio, Texas, of wounds sustained when a suicide bomber detonated an explosive device in Kajaki Sufla, Helmand province, Afghanistan, on January 18, 2012. Another Marine, Cpl. Phillip D. McGeath, also was killed in the attack.

Soldiers - Veterans - Families Of

"You walk into one of our rooms where ... decisions are being made about disabilities for veterans (and) see individuals sitting at a desk with stacks of paper that go up halfway to the ceiling. And as they finish one pile, another pile comes in," - U.S.V.A. Secretary Gen. Eric Shinseki, Feb. 10, 2009

"And so what I've been trying to do and what Mrs. Biden and Mrs. Obama and the chairman and his wife - all these folks, are trying to do is to - is to try and get that other 99 percent to - they all say they support the troops, but it's not just enough to say it." - Defense Secretary Robert Gates - 23 June 2011 - PBS News Hour

He found one of his biggest battles was connecting with Americans on the home front. "I was struck at how little they really did understand about what we've been through," Adm. Mike Mullen (retired) October 2, 2011 CBS Sunday Morning

On FLOTUS & SLOTUS "There is this sense that this is genuine," says Raezer. "We haven't had this kind of visibility from the White House—ever." Joyce Raezer - December 30, 2011

Country Must 'Sacrifice' not just Groups Within nor Just Non Profits Fighting for Donations!

No Revenues = Still No Sacrifice = That's Called 'Support' For The Troops = DeJa-Vu all over again

Now a decade and counting added to the previous decades of under funding the VA, while the peoples reps Still try and lay blame on the Agency, after rubber stamping wars and costs of and those represented cheer on these wars! While the wealthy and other investors garner their booty, still from both, and many have the chutz·pa to call themselves more patriotic{?} then others wrapped in those false flags, using false slogans and various cheap symbols of!

The new 'magnetic ribbons', the 'parades' and 'welcome home celebrations', with no demand for sacrifice get same results, but 'parades' only last a few hours on one day! Think 'Desert Storm' and 'Gulf War Syndrome', Ignored till the last couple of years, finally, after the 'Parades'! Have the 'Welcome Home Parades' but at each the one word that should be spoke and on the minds of All, 'Sacrifice', Demand It!

The current economy is especially challenging for veterans.
Yet, the experience and education learned in the military is an excellent basis for any business, especially because the military emphasizes action, not rote memorization or theoretical case studies. That is often the key factor responsible for personal and professional success.

DOL: Unemployment Among Veterans

Hiring our Heroes

President Obama, First Lady Honored for Leadership to End Veteran Homelessness
Apr. 26, 2012 - The National Coalition for Homeless Veterans has announced that President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama have been selected as recipients of the 2012 Jerald Washington Memorial Founders' Award, the highest honor bestowed by the nation's homeless veteran assistance community. read more>>>

Homeless Veterans 'Stand Down' Events 2012

National Coalition for Homeless Veterans

Deadline to Apply for Retroactive Stop Loss Special Pay Extended

Gulf War Veterans' Illnesses:
VA is seeking to extend the date to Dec. 31, 2018 for medically unexplained chronic multisymptom illnesses and undiagnosed illness to have appeared in Gulf War Veterans. Medically unexplained chronic symptoms include fatigue, headaches, joint pain, insomnia, gastrointestinal problems, and respiratory disorders: Gulf War Veterans' Illnesses: Medically Unexplained Chronic Multisymptom Illnesses.

VA Gulf War Task Force Report now available
March 26, 2012 - On March 26, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) released the Gulf War Veterans’ Illnesses Task Force Report. The 52 page report addresses health-related concerns. Secretary of Veterans Affairs Eric K. Shinseki explained, “This report, which considered input from nearly 500 Veterans who responded to the draft report, provides a roadmap for our continued enhancements in the care and services we provide to Gulf War veterans. We will also apply lessons learned from this Task Force to our engagement with Veterans of all eras.” read more>>>

Scientists focus on heavy metals in combat vets
Jan 27, 2012 - Researchers at Stony Brook University Medical Center in New York have determined that a soldier who deployed to Iraq is now carrying particles of titanium, iron and copper in his lungs.

In a letter published this month in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Stony Brook Assistant Professor of Surgery and Medicine Dr. Anthony Szema wrote that samples of a service member’s open lung biopsy were found to contain the heavy metals.

Open lung tissue biopsies done on troops who deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan have been shown to sparkle with crystalline material, as noted by researchers Dr. Robert Miller of Vanderbilt University and Dr. Matthew King of Meharry Medical College, Nashville, Tenn. read more>>>

April 18, 2012 - Army Releases March Suicide Data

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline~~~Army Regulation 600-63 (Health Promotion) pdf~~~Army Pamphlet 600-24 (Health Promotion, Risk Reduction and Suicide Prevention) pdf~~~Suicide Prevention Program~~~Suicide prevention training resources for Army families~~~Information about Military OneSource~~~Army’s Comprehensive Soldier Fitness Program~~~Defense Center for Excellence for Psychological Health and Traumatic Brain Injury (DCoE) Outreach Center~~~American Foundation for Suicide Prevention~~~Suicide Prevention Resource Council~~~Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors~~~Army Medical Command: Civilian psych staff doubled since 2007~~~Army examining mental health programs~~~Eric Greitens & Paul Rieckhoff: Stresses of War & Tours In

VA to Increase Mental Health Staff by 1,900

VA Adding Family Therapists and Mental Health Counselors to Workforce

American Psychiatric Nurses Association Joins Forces with First Lady Obama and Dr. Biden to Support Veterans and Military Families

UT College of Nursing Answers First Lady’s Call to Improve Veterans’ Care

Military affairs beat: For cops, courts, a primer on PTSD

'Give-Back-24' Events to Battle 'Invisible Wounds of War'

Mobile Vet Centers treat wounded warriors

Veterans Jobless Rate Falls a Full % Point

As to this link below, for the greater majority 99% that don't serve, Don't Cheer, you have yet to Sacrifice, not only as to jobs for these present veterans but your responsibility as to the Veterans Administration a decade plus added to the previous decades, Federal and States, and especially the wealthy or anyone with investments that don't do them themselves, and stay away from defense investments, who are still reaping growth from both these wars, even with Iraq officially over!
Jobless rate dips to 9.2 percent for young vets

Retraining assistance for unemployed veterans takes shape
05/05/12 - The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs has news about employment and training opportunities for unemployed veterans.

If you are an unemployed vet – of any age – then you have firsthand knowledge of the stories behind the numbers.

The numbers:

Returning Servicemembers: Are you missing out?
Approximately 742,000 separated OEF/OIF/OND Veterans have obtained VA health care since 2002. That’s 53% of total separated former Active Duty and Reserve/National Guard OEF/OIF/OND Veterans.

VA provides five years of cost-free health care to OEF/OIF Veterans for any injury or illness associated with your service.

If you are part of the 47% who have NOT signed up for VA health care, what are you waiting for?

There are four ways a Veteran can enroll for VA health care...

*In person
*By Phone
*By Mail

More info: VA Services: Health Care

Honor our living brothers and sisters as they return from our wars, especially the wounded, physically and mentally, all the time! Fully Fund the Veterans Administration, no questions asked, as we fund the Department of Defense, no questions asked.

CNN-Iraq and Afghanistan War Casulties

In Remembrance - Moving Tributes

Afghanistan & Iraq Civilian Casualties - War Refugee's

Recording Casualties: Victims of Armed Conflict Worldwide

This programme draws on the principles of human security to develop and enhance the technical and institutional capacity, identify and consolidate the legal requirements, and build the political will to record details of every single victim of armed conflict worldwide. The programme incorporates research into emerging good practice and existing legal frameworks, the development and promotion of clearer legal and more effective regulatory instruments, and the creation and support of advocacy networks. visit site for updated reports

Every Casualty.org: New Org Website Launched On Casualty Recording The one-stop source for information on conflict's casualties worldwide and the organisations that record them

Film Highlights Perils Faced By Iraqis Who Helped U.S.
April 28, 2012 - There are more than 3,000 names on Kirk Johnson's list -- a list that has brought him incredible joy but which has also taken an emotional toll.

The names are of Iraqis who worked alongside Americans as translators and advisers during the more than eight-year-long Iraq war and who now fear for their lives and their families' safety. Just last week, one was mailed a syringe filled with poison and a note telling him to inject himself before the senders did so themselves.

Johnson has worked furiously for the last four years to help resettle these Iraqis in the United States. They seek him out after receiving death threats from Al Qaeda-affiliated groups and Iraqi insurgents who consider them the enemy for helping U.S. forces.

Now, a new documentary called "The List" {Project to Resettle Iraqi Allies} artfully dovetails the plight of these Iraqis with Johnson’s story. It had its world premiere at New York City's Tribeca Film Festival on April 21. A few nights later, producer and director Beth Murphy joined Paul Rieckhoff, the founder of Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, for a postscreening talk. read more>>>

The List (2-minute trailer) from Principle Pictures on Vimeo.

THE LIST: Project to Resettle Iraqi Allies

Refugee's: 27.5 million From Violence 2010

CIVIC: Working for Civilian Victims, Annual Report 2010

Exact Count of Civilian Casualties may never be known, as is the case in every conflict, especially an Invasion by another Country. For it is the Innocent Civilians and those Defending their Countries,of which All would be counted if this country, the U.S., were ever invaded, who suffer the most, during and long after!

All the Deaths, Maimings and Destruction are the Blood on All Our Hands, No One can Escape that Guilt!

Strasbourg judge: “Those who export war ought to see to the parallel export of guarantees against the atrocities of war”

The Rand Corporation Terrorism Report the press release here, you can get the full document here or a summary of the research brief here

97 percent {now more} of U.S. deaths in Iraq have occurred after George W. Bush declared an end to "major combat."
May 1, 2003 - "Mission Accomplished!" After leaving the Main Mission in Afghanistan, as to 9/11, to invade and occupy Iraq, which created the rise in the regional insurgents fighting in Afghanistan since!

"Victory means exit strategy, and it's important for the president to explain to us what the exit strategy is," - George W. Bush, Texas Gov., 1999

"How anyone can say that torture keeps Americans safe is beyond me -- unless you don't count American soldiers as Americans." How to Break a Terrorist: The U.S. Interrogators Who Used Brains, Not Brutality, to Take Down the Deadliest Man in Iraq Matthew Alexander who is writing under a pseudonym for security reasons

"Torture is the tool of the lazy, the stupid, and the pseudo-tough. It's also perhaps the greatest recruiting tool that the terrorists have." Major General Paul Eaton

Done "In Our Names"!

Still Coming Home, Our Brothers of WWII, Korea and Vietnam - Rest in Peace, You're Finally Home

Korean War Vet's remains returned
April 05, 2012 - The remains of a servicemember who disappeared during the Korean War are finally returned to his family for proper burial.

Airman Missing from Vietnam War Identified
April 05, 2012 - The Department of Defense POW/Missing Personnel Office (DPMO) announced today that the remains of a serviceman, missing in action from the Vietnam War, have been identified and returned to his family for burial with full military honors.

Air Force Tech. Sgt. Allen J. Avery of Arlington, Mass., will be buried April 6 at Arlington National Cemetery. On April 6, 1972, six airmen were flying a combat search and rescue mission in their HH-53C Super Jolly Green Giant helicopter over Quang Tri Province in South Vietnam when they were hit by enemy ground fire and crashed. read more>>>

Soldier Missing in Action from Korean War Identified
April 09, 2012 - The Department of Defense POW/Missing Personnel Office announced today that the remains of a serviceman, missing in action from the Korean War, have been identified and will be returned to his family for burial with full military honors.

Army Cpl. Patrick R. Glennon of Rochester, N.Y., will be buried April 11, at Arlington National Cemetery. On Nov. 1, 1950, Glennon, and the G Company, 8th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Cavalry Division, were holding a defensive position along the Nammyon River near Unsan, North Korea, when they were attacked by Chinese forces. Glennon was listed as missing in action following the heavy fighting. read more>>>

Soldier Missing in Action from Korean War Identified
April 19, 2012 - The Department of Defense POW/Missing Personnel Office announced today that the remains of a U.S. serviceman, missing in action from the Korean War, have been identified and will be returned to his family for burial with full military honors.

Army Pfc. Richard E. Clapp, 19, of Seattle, Wash., will be buried April 25, at Arlington National Cemetery near Washington, D.C. read more>>>

Soldier Missing from Vietnam War Identified
April 30, 2012 - The Department of Defense POW/Missing Personnel Office announced today that the remains of a serviceman, missing in action from the Vietnam War, have been identified and will be returned to his family for burial with full military honors.

Army Capt. Charles R. Barnes of Philadelphia, Pa., will be buried May 2, in Arlington National Cemetery. On March 16, 1969, Barnes and four other service members departed Qui Nhon Airfields bound for Da Nang and Phu Bai, in a U-21A Ute aircraft. As they approached Da Nang, they encountered low clouds and poor visibility. Communications with the aircraft were lost, and they did not land as scheduled. Immediate search efforts were limited due to hazardous weather conditions, and all five men were list as missing in action. read more>>>

HONORING THE FALLEN: US Military and Coalition Forces Killed in Action, Iraq & Afghanistan/Pakistan from 2001 to September 2012 - My Honor Rolls, and more, to Share

National World War II Memorial

National Korean War Memorial

National Vietnam Veterans Memorial - "The Wall"

The Vietnam Women’s Memorial

Department of Veterans Affairs National Cemeteries

Arlington National Cemetery

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